Be a part of something bigger. Find a way to give back by serving the community or the church.
serve the community 
kids hope usa
Kids Hope USA
Mentor a student from a local school for one hour a week. Spend time on school work, games, or talking to help them feel loved and valued.
ReCharge Respite Ministry
Provides care for 3 hours one Friday a month to children with special needs so their families can have free time.

Blue Bus

Every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday, a group serves food to residents on the west side of Cleveland.  Sign up to serve here. Find a list of donations needed here.
city mission
City Mission
Serve dinner at Crossroads Men’s Shelter on the first Monday of even months.
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Royal Family Kids Camp
RFKC seeks to “create life changing moments for children of abuse,” to a handful of the over 400,000 children in foster care. Learn more here.
Camp Confidence

A camp for teens, age 12-17, who have aged out of Royal Family Kids Camp.  Two camps are offered each summer: one for girls and one for boys.


After children and adults spend a week at RFKC, many want to keep in touch.  By mentoring a student, adults can continue meeting with and building up the children.

The Genies support local foster parents with childcare, meals, shopping, laundry or whatever the parents need.

Community of Hope
A ministry for those aging out of foster care to surround the young adult with a team who meets regularly with them for support, direction and mentoring. 
Royal Family Kids Camp, Camp Confidence, Mentoring, Genies and Community of Hope are all considered part of the Fostering the Future ministry, covering all SUMC’s foster ministries.
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Angel Tree
This holiday ministry delivers gifts to children and families of incarcerated persons. A team works for a few months leading up to a December delivery date.
Night to Shine
is a prom for people with special needs.  For more information, click here.
Caring Ministries
Care Ministers: A team of people who visit congregants who are hospitalized, pre/post surgery, or in rehab.
Stephen Ministers: Provide one on one confidential Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
Mission Trips
A yearly youth trip or the opportunity to serve during multiple dates throughout the summer and a yearly adult trip with Fuller Center.
Habitat for Humanity
SUMC sponsors three dates each summer to help create “A world where everyone has a decent place to live.
Habitat Wall Build
SUMC has contracted with HBH for their services providing equipment, know how, and training to build all walls needed for a Habitat of Humanity home in Cleveland, Ohio.
June 20 & 21, 2025


serve the church
Office Assistance
A group of helpers assists the office during monthly and seasonal jobs such as bulk mailing, folding, and other helpful areas.
handshake (2)
Bring a warm welcome and create a comfortable environment to guests and the congregation on Sunday mornings before and after worship.
Holy Grounds Café
Help provide the chance for people to connect with each other between services each week. Serve coffee and baked goods at the Holy Grounds Café each Sunday morning. Sign up here.
Contact the church office (440.238.6135,
to find out more or get involved.