Royal Family Kids Camp is 100% volunteer run, and we need amazing people like you to make camp a memorable experience for our campers! Royal Family KIDS volunteers serve the entire week at camp (overnight) in various roles.

- Complete RFK online application (Click on New Applicant above)
- Face-to-face interview with Camp Directors
- Successfully background screened
- Must be at least 16 years old
- Three references provided on the application
- Attend camp the entire week (Sunday- Friday; 5 nights/ 6 days)
- Complete required training
For more information or if you have questions, contact the RFKC director, Chris Sheetz, at rfkc317sumc@gmail.com.
The backbone of camp, sleep in a cabin with campers and spend 20+ hours a day with this group of four. You’ll canoe and eat with them, listen, share, play, inspire and make sure they have a great week of camp.
Assistant counselors
Staff who are 16 or older can be part of the camper’s family for the week. You’ll be there all day and night, just like the counselors, but have an opportunity to develop your skills before taking on full responsibility. Looks great on a college or job application.
Support staff
Interested in swimming on Monday, leading a hike on Tuesday, serving birthday cake on Wednesday and playing Gaga Ball on Thursday? This is the job for you. Plenty of time with kids but a variety of jobs throughout the week
Part-time staff
Can’t commit to a whole week? Can you help with registration in Strongsville Monday morning? Come to camp for a few hours for a special event? Load and unload the U-Haul that moves us? A great way to dip your toe in the RFKC water.
Care team
Use your experience in counseling or social work to help our campers when things get rough and they need help getting regrounded.
Better with a computer than a campfire? Spend the week keeping us organized and moving in the right direction. You’ll keep the schedule updated, get staff where they are needed and do the behind-the-scenes tasks to make for a smooth week of camp.
Specialized staff.
If you have a skill that you can share, we’d love to have you. Below are a few examples:
Craft leader or assistant
Recreation leader or assistant
Fishing foreman
EMT or first aid
Nurse (LPN or RN required)
Note: Our host camp provides kitchen staff, lifeguards and climbing wall supervision.